Archive for the ‘Emotional Support Animal’ Category

No other animal species has a relationship with humans like dogs do. The human-canine bond goes back for more than a thousand years. Dogs have evolved with humans by hunting with them, fighting alongside them in wars, and protecting their families from harm. In turn, humans have given dogs food, shelter, and safety. 

That bond between humans and dogs remains to this day. We may not have to use dogs to help us hunt for food or find our way home through blizzards, but the relationship remains strong. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 68 percent of U.S. households own a pet, and 90 million of those pets are dogs. Over 75% of dog owners see their dogs as a part of their family, almost like children. 

This ultimate guide will discuss the purpose of a therapy dog and how to get one within the following chapters:

Dogs Help Humans to Heal What Do Therapy Dogs Do? What Is the Process to Certify a Therapy Dog? Step 1: Adopting a Dog Step 2: Training Your Dog Step 3: Registering Your Therapy Dog Therapy Dogs Laws Therapy Dog Insurance Therapy Dog Grooming Reinforcing Good Behavior Keeping Up with Veterinary Appointments Therapy Dogs Offer Hope Dogs Help Humans to Heal

Dogs uniquely affect humans, and their comfort can heal the human body and warm the soul. Research into the human-animal bond indicates that dogs can alleviate the symptoms of mental health concerns, like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The therapeutic value of a dog’s presence is the cornerstone of pet therapy. The umbrella term “pet therapy” or “animal therapy” includes both the animal-assisted therapy itself and the activities involved with animal-assisted therapy. Service dogs and emotional support dogs are two examples of animal therapy, where a dog can directly help someone with a disability manage their disorder. 

What Do Therapy Dogs Do? 

Therapy dogs perform animal-assisted therapy, but instead of helping one person, they work with their owners and travel to hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to improve the mood and well-being of the many people there. As a team with their owner, they provide attention and comfort on a volunteer basis. All therapy dogs already have a calm demeanor. They also patiently accept and give out cuddles to people who need them.

Therapy dogs offer a much-needed distraction through their presence and provide a bit of happiness to the places they visit. 

Service Dog Certifications

An estimated 50,000 therapy dogs exist in the U.S., providing comfort and cheer to people in challenging situations. However, not every dog can become a therapy dog. A legitimate therapy dog requires training and certification to be legally and medically recognized. A certified therapy dog can accompany its owners to areas like patient hospital rooms and nursing homes — places where most animals are not allowed. Because therapy dogs work closely with patients, they must behave safely and have the right temperament. Therefore, owners need to follow the correct procedures when seeking to certify a dog as a therapy dog. 

What Is the Process to Certify a Therapy Dog?

If you would like to own a therapy dog, the process takes a bit of time and effort, but it’s worth the effort. In the end, your therapy dog will provide healing and comfort to many people. There are three easy steps to owning a therapy dog:

Adopt a dog. Train your dog. Register your trained dog.

With each step comes a few details that can make your therapy dog a more effective and safe assistant animal.

Step 1: Adopting a Dog

Conducting your research and looking around for the right dog can start your journey towards owning a therapy dog off to a good start. Research can allow you to find the breed that’s suited for your patient population (school versus nursing home, etc.) and your own individual needs (small space versus a large space, etc.). Consider that a therapy dog will also live with you, so the dog you choose should fit into your lifestyle. Take into account your own home and work situation and whether you can maintain the time and costs of a therapy dog. 


Not every dog is suited for the work of a therapy dog. No matter how cute and fluffy a dog is, for example, if it’s exceptionally exuberant and doesn’t sit still on someone’s lap, it may not be a good choice as a therapy dog. Although some breeds are known to be excellent assistance animals, you don’t need to focus on the breed as much as the dog’s temperament. 

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a therapy dog’s breed is less significant than most people believe. For example, Labradors and Golden retrievers typically make ideal service dogs. However, a small terrier chihuahua mix that is calm, welcoming, and affectionate can also be a solid choice for a therapy dog. Even breeds that most people don’t usually recognize as assistance animals — like Rottweilers and Pomeranians — can make good therapy dogs with the right temperament. 

When looking for a potential therapy dog the dog’s temperament is more important than the breed.

Service Dog Certifications


What matters more than breed is temperament. Because therapy dogs remain still for long periods to allow people to pet and cuddle them, a restless and bouncy dog won’t work out well. A therapy dog must be naturally social, trusting, and obedient. Therapy dogs often work with young children or frail or sick people, making safety vital when working with service dogs. Therefore, a therapy dog needs to be unaggressive or anxious. Traits ill-suited for a service dog are excessive barking, jumping on people, being overly shy or fearful. 

These are traits to look for when looking for a therapy dog:

obedient  quiet relaxed likes to be petted friendly with people and other animals gentle Age

Old dogs can certainly learn new tricks, but puppies have more energy and are easier to train. A therapy dog interacts with many people in one day, which means a dog needs the energy and motivation to do so. For the most part, younger dogs are more open to training and tolerate new environments more readily than senior dogs. However, a dog that’s too young can also lead to problems. Most organizations require therapy dogs to be at least a year old to work.

Your Lifestyle 

Although therapy dogs work with people during the day, they remain with their owners during their downtime. This means that the dog you choose should be suitable for your lifestyle as well. For example, if you or someone in your household is allergic to pet dander, a hypoallergenic dog might be something to look for. Owners who live in apartment buildings might need a smaller dog, while owners who like to hike or do outdoor activities may want to have a larger, energetic dog.

Where to Find a Dog

You might be lucky to already have a dog that’s the right age and temperament to become a therapy dog. Most people, however, need to search for a good candidate. There’s always a chance that a dog won’t take well to training or manage the work, so it’s essential to take the time to find the best possible candidate.

You may visit a local shelter to adopt a dog with the right temperament, or you may research online to find any dog trainers that sell dogs with the proper training to match the duties of a therapy dog.

Can Any Dog Become a Therapy Dog? 

Not every dog can be a therapy dog. It takes a special dog with the right traits to become one. When searching for a therapy dog, trainers and other professionals can direct you on where to start your search. Some legitimate breeders raise dogs for specific therapy and service dog temperaments. You can also visit rescue shelters to find a dog that fits the bill; know that shelters tend to have older dogs. 

Any dog with the right temperament and a love for people has the potential of becoming a therapy dog. Step 2: Training Your Dog 

Therapy dogs need training, though it’s not as detailed or extensive as the training for service dogs. When you’ve found the dog you’d like to train, you should start as soon as possible. Even if you decide to train the dog yourself, you may want to seek advice from a professional. Consulting with people who understand the process can make training a therapy dog go smoother. 

How Are Therapy Dogs Trained?

You can choose to take your dog to a private, professional trainer. Often, private trainers work as part of the training team. As the owner, how you treat your dog at home also plays a role in a therapy dog’s training. When opting for private training, look for a formal organization with good feedback and long business history. 

Private training can be costly, and some owners enjoy training their own therapy dogs. If you find yourself choosing to forgo a private trainer, you have various options for training. The following are a few helpful pointers to help you train your therapy dog.

Study the Canine Good Citizen Test

Most therapy dog organizations require their members to pass a test, the Canine Good Citizen test, or both. The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test is a nationally recognized behavioral evaluation program for dogs and their owners developed by the AKC. It is a prerequisite to becoming a therapy dog. You can train using YouTube videos, workbooks, and online training services. The CGC lists ten expected behaviors that a dog should exhibit, showing responsible and appropriate public behavior. 

Accepting a friendly stranger. The dog should allow a friendly stranger to walk over and communicate with the owner. When tested, an evaluator walks naturally towards the dog’s owner and greets them, all while ignoring the dog. The dog shouldn’t be anxious, nervous, or shy. The dog must remain calm. Sitting politely for petting. The dog must also allow a friendly stranger to pet it without reacting negatively or aggressively. Appearance and grooming. The dog must remain pleasant and calm while letting a stranger groom it, allowing them to comb or brush their fur. During this time, an evaluator will also inspect the dog, checking to see if the dog is well-groomed and cared for appropriately. Out walking on a loose leash. While walking on a loose leash, an evaluator offers the owner directions. Sometimes the directions are provided beforehand; other times, they are given while walking. The orders consist of a left and right turn, as well as an about-turn and stopping. The dog must follow their owner, though they don’t have to respond immediately or be perfectly aligned with their owner. However, their owner must always be in control of the dog.  Walking through a crowd. As a therapy dog, your dog might frequent crowded hospital hallways and patient rooms. During the CGC test, the dog must walk with you near at least three people. The dog must move politely through a crowd without being anxious, easily distracted, or anxious. They can show a slight interest in their environment, but extreme exuberance is not allowed. The dog should be under the control of its owner at all times. Sit and down on command, along with staying in place. As a therapy dog, your dog may need to remain in another person’s presence while you stand farther away. As part of the CGC test, an evaluator asks you to command your dog to sit or “down” while you walk 20 feet away. The dog must remain in the sit or down position until you return and call. When you call, your dog must return to you calmly. The test allows an owner to command the dog more than once, but it must be clear that the dog follows orders.  Coming when called. Your dog must come when called from a distance of 10 feet. You can choose to command the dog to sit or stay and then call them once you are 10 feet away.  Reaction to another dog. A therapy dog needs to react calmly to other dogs. During the CGC test, the evaluator will walk over with another dog and greet you while you’re holding your dog. Your dog should not be aggressive with the other dog and remain calm. Reacting (or not responding) to a distraction. The evaluator may drop something in front of the dog or jog by. Your dog should not bark, panic, or become hostile. They can express curiosity or casual interest, but not aggression. Supervised separation. The last part of the test demands that you leave your dog with the evaluator for at least three minutes. The evaluator will take your dog’s leash and remain with your dog. The dog shouldn’t whine, pace nervously, or appear anxious. 

Training a therapy dog is crucial and must be verified by passing the Canine Good Citizen test.

Service Dog Certifications

Getting Ready for the CGC Test

It’s best to start training for the CGC by socializing your dog with other canines and groups of people. Exposure to new environments can keep a dog calm during novel situations, like external stimuli (busy streets, crowded parks, etc.) Getting dogs used to hearing external stimuli and interacting with other people helps dogs stay calm in hectic environments. Also, be mindful of the techniques you use to train your dog. Although you can use treats to teach, the CGC does not allow treats during the exam. It’s best to acclimate your dog to perform the behaviors without treats. 

You can choose to take the Advanced Canine Good Citizen tests after finishing the CGC test, which evaluates real-world situations. Instead of a controlled setting, this test occurs on an actual busy sidewalk, shopping center, or park. 

The Day of a CGC Test: What to Bring and Not to Bring

Owners must bring a regular leash to the CGC test site, and collars must be the buckle or slip-on type. Electronic collars and pinch collars are not allowed. If you need to use a harness, you may want to inquire with the test site beforehand. Treats and toys are not permitted during the test; therefore, it’s best to train your dog to respond to commands without treats. 

Step 3: Registering Your Therapy Dog

Deciding which therapy dog organization to register with may depend on your location and the facilities you plan to visit. Each therapy dog organization has its own standards and regulations, most of which involve how well a dog can behave in public. Some hospitals, schools, and nursing homes have specific therapy dog organizations that they recognize, along with health and age requirements for the dog. 

To register your dog, you’ll need the dog’s veterinary record. For example, Therapy Dogs International (TDI) is one of the oldest and largest therapy dog organizations in the U.S. The following lists their health guidelines for their therapy dogs:

An annual health check conducted with a veterinarian within the last 12 months.  Current rabies vaccination, administered by a veterinarian.  Must have received all core vaccines like distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis. Negative stool sample within 12 months.  Negative test for heartworm prevention mediation. Within the past year. 

Depending on your location or the availability of evaluators, other requirements therapy dog organizations may have for applicants are:

Graduation or test certificates with a letter from the school or evaluator verifying the dog’s temperament. A letter of recommendation from a licensed veterinarian.  Letters from the facility you are planning to visit, stating they invite you and your dog. The letter should be on the company letterhead. 

All therapy dogs must be registered with a therapy dog organization that applies to your location and is accepted by the facilities you plan to visit with your therapy dog.

Service Dog Certifications

Therapy Dogs Laws

Unlike emotional support animals and service dogs, a therapy dog does not fall under federal laws for people with disabilities. Most owners of therapy dogs don’t struggle with a disability themselves; thus, the therapy dog does not have public access rights, federal housing rights, or air carrier rights. Therapy dogs are only allowed in places they will conduct their work — like schools, hospitals, and nursing homes — and are not allowed in areas where pets aren’t welcome (typically: stores, restaurants, etc.)

Therapy Dog Insurance

As with most things in life, accidents do happen. Therapy dogs interact with countless people throughout their work, and problems may arise. Therapy dog owners must have insurance coverage to protect them from liability. Many therapy dog organizations provide insurance coverage to their members, ensuring that all their members are protected. Owners can also choose to search for their therapy dog insurance. 

Therapy Dog Grooming

Due to their work nature and the places they visit, therapy dogs should be exceptionally well-groomed. A dog that’s matted, unkempt, and needs bathing should not perform therapy dog duties due to infection control issues. Therapy dog owners should keep up with a grooming schedule and keep their dogs brushed and clean. Dogs that shed excessively can become a problem at the sites they visit because staff must clean up fur when the dog leaves. Long nails on dogs can accidentally hurt people and damage furniture, so keeping nails trimmed and buffed is essential. 

Reinforcing Good Behavior

Owning a therapy dog is a big responsibility, and that responsibility doesn’t stop once a therapy visitation ends. Continually reinforcing good behavior is essential to maintaining a good therapy dog. It may be tempting to allow your dog some “downtime,” away from the behavioral expectations of therapy visits. This change in expectations can confuse dogs, leading them to become undisciplined even in therapy dog settings. Dogs that can’t maintain CGC behaviors may harm the patients they visit; therefore, reinforcing good behavior is key to a successful and safe therapy dog. 

Keeping Up with Veterinary Appointments

Unlike regular dog owners who may skip or run late with their routine veterinary appointments, therapy dog owners must stick to their routine appointments and visit their veterinarians when necessary. This means maintaining up-to-date vaccinations and administering any medications to your dog as prescribed. Therapy dog owners must also be vigilant about checking their dogs for any illness or disease, as therapy dogs often visit facilities where people have compromised immune systems or health problems.

Maintaining a dog’s health is a crucial part of being a therapy dog owner. 

Service Dog Certifications

Therapy Dogs Offer Hope

Owning a therapy dog comes with a slew of responsibilities, but the work is gratifying. Although you may need to consistently reinforce good behaviors, continually groom your dog, and maintain routine veterinary care, the expectations aren’t that far from what owners of regular pets should be doing. Caring for a therapy dog also offers therapy dog owners a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. And you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you and your well-behaved therapy dog offers hope and brightness to people who need it. 

If you’re lucky enough to have an obedient, social, and intelligent emotional support animal (ESA) with a calm temperament, you may have a potentially ideal service dog. Training your ESA to become a service dog isn’t an easy endeavor—it takes work and dedication to make an ESA into a service dog, but it can flourish into a rewarding journey in the long run. This article will discuss important points to consider before starting your emotional support dog’s transition to becoming a certified service dog.

Steps to Making your ESA a Service Dog Determine if you need a psychiatric service dog or a mobility service dog. Make sure that your dog is the right size and or breed for your disability. If your disability is psychological, your dogs size/breed may be smaller than if you required support with mobility. Train your dog to perform a task to aid in your disability. The task doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult, it just has to be right for you. Travel with your service dog out in the world! If you’d like, order a Service Dog ID card for your personal convenience and register online. Register your service dog here. Does Your ESA Have the Qualities of a Service Dog? 

Before you begin to train your ESA, you’ll need to evaluate their qualities from an objective point of view. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

1. Is your ESA the right breed?

Depending on what tasks you’ll need your potential service dog to do, the breed and size matter. Determine whether your ESA is the right fit to perform the tasks you need. For example, a bulk of your requirements might have to do with bracing and mobility, which calls for a larger dog breed. If your ESA is a chihuahua, it will not fulfill the job’s requirements, no matter how obedient or intelligent your small dog is. However, if your needs are psychological a small breed might be the perfect fit.

2. Does your ESA learn quickly?

Though an ESA might have the capacity to learn basic commands, a service dog must go above and beyond the typical “sit” and “stay” commands. Because service dogs in training spend so much of their time learning, only exceptionally intelligent, enthusiastic, and observant dogs can maintain the pace needed to become a service dog.

Dogs that are bright and eager to please typically are ideal to become service dogs, as they have the natural desire to pay attention for hours at a time. Service dogs spend the rest of their lives following commands for long periods of time. Asking a dog who doesn’t enjoy performing tasks day in and day out isn’t healthy for the ESA or the handler.

An intelligent ESA that naturally enjoys performing tasks will most likely lead to a happy service dog and handler.

3. Is your ESA social with other people and animals?

Emotional support animals aren’t typically allowed in areas that prohibit pets. Service dogs, however, can follow their handlers wherever the public can go. This means that service dogs are exposed to many strangers and animals, and safety becomes a concern. An ESA that’s naturally friendly and tolerant of strangers and animals makes an ideal candidate for a service dog. 

4. Does your ESA have a calm temperament?

Service dogs have to maintain a calm demeanor, even when their surroundings are loud or chaotic. For most dogs, remaining steady and focused in new or disruptive surroundings is a challenge. They cannot be distracted by others and should not bark (unless barking is part of a task). But if your ESA is naturally calm and doesn’t become agitated, you might have an emotional support dog with the potential to become a service dog.

To make an emotional support animal into a service dog, the dog must meet the requirements needed to perform tasks the handler needs assistance with. Training a Service Dog 

Once you have confirmed that your emotional support dog has the qualities needed for a service dog, and you’ve determined what tasks you need your service dog to perform, it’s time to begin the training. Training involves two parts: 

Teaching the Public Access Test requirements, which determines if dogs can remain in public areas without disrupting their environment.  Training for specific tasks geared at addressing the disabilities of the handler.  Turning Your ESA Into Your Service Dog

You have a number of options when training your ESA. The easiest but most costly option is to hire a professional. Your dog may be away in training for a while, but you’ll have a solid, obedient service dog once the training is complete.

Alternatively, you can choose to train your ESA yourself entirely. This option is the most cost-effective—and most involved—choice. And while it will take up a chunk of your time and patience, the bond between your dog and you, as well as his responsiveness towards your commands, will be stronger.

You can also choose to hire a trainer for parts of the training—like the Public Access Test—and train your dog yourself for the other, more individualized portions.

Whichever path you select, keep a training log to document your dog’s progress. A training log can help hone in on your dog’s strengths and weaknesses and provide proof of training should the needs or documentation arise. 

Know Your Service Dog Laws

Once your ESA has mastered all the training needed and has become a certified service dog, they can escort you into public areas like parks, malls, areas where pets and ESAs are not allowed, and on all flights. However, they must apply to the following rules:

A service dog must be under the command of their handler at all times. A service dog cannot display signs of aggression. A service dog cannot disturb the normal functioning of the places they are in.

And be aware, an establishment may ask the handler to remove the service dog from the area if the dog is out of control. Each state may also have additional service dog laws, so it’s safest to inquire about the laws for the state you’re in.

Turning an ESA into a service dog is like having the best of both worlds. A person can have their closest healing companion physically assist them with their disability. Training an ESA to become a service dog may take time and work, but the results are worthwhile! 

Is the following true for your dog? Around people and other dogs, your dog is amiable and well-behaved. Your dog adores hugs and likes to cuddle for long periods. When surrounded by new people, your dog remains calm. Your dog gives you feelings of warmth and contentment that you’d like to share with others. If you’ve answered “Yes!” to these questions, your dog might make an excellent therapy dog

What is a Therapy Dog? 

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a therapy dog visits facilities or settings which care for people with emotional, mental, or physical concerns. For example, many nursing homes have visits from therapy dogs to help provide affection and engage their residents. Hospitals may allow scheduled therapy dog visits to boost the patient’s spirits. Therapy dogs can also help first responders overcome stressful situations or lift emotions during a time of crisis. In short, therapy dogs provide comfort to people who need it the most. 

Therapy dogs are not service dogs or emotional support animals (ESA). Service dogs have public access privileges under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal laws. These dogs receive months of specialized training to performs necessary tasks to assist their disabled handler. Emotional support animals, which require an ESA letter, are also covered under specific federal laws but don’t need training. ESAs simply comfort their handlers with their presence.

How a Therapy Dog Works

You’ve probably noticed how your dog can make you feel loved, less stressed, and much more relaxed. Therapy dogs do the same thing, but for others. By interacting with other people, therapy dogs are scientifically proven to do the following for humans: 

Reduce physical pain Release “feel good” hormones like oxytocin, endorphins, and phenylethylamine Lower stress hormones like cortisol Reduce feelings of anxiety, aggression, and fear Trained to interact with a variety of people Usually have stable temperaments and have a friendly, easy-going personality Help provide psychological or physiological therapy to individuals other than their handler Can’t All Dogs be Therapy Dogs? 

As cute as all dogs are, being a therapy dogs takes a special kind of dog. Because therapy dogs visit different healthcare facilities and may need to interact with numerous strangers, a therapy dog must be safe at all times. A therapy dog should have the following traits: 

Naturally friendly and affectionate with everyone Enjoys meeting new people  Comfortable in new environments Relaxed and doesn’t get startled easily Likes physical affection Able to sit and be petted for long periods Enjoys and is safe with children Healthy, well-groomed, and has regular check-ups and vaccinations

A dog who is calm and sweet in the family home, but is wary in new environments, may not be an ideal candidate to become a therapy dog.

A dog can become a therapy dog if it has a friendly personality and is safe around people of all ages. Therapy Dog Training and Certification

Although a therapy dog doesn’t need the extensive training that a service dog does, they require some instruction level. You can choose to train your dog or outsource the training to a formal organization. The American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen test is an excellent guideline for training. A therapy dog must pass necessary real-world scenario behavioral tests to ensure that they will be safe in a new environment. 

The facilities a therapy dog visits will usually require certification and health-check to visit. The American Kennel Club recommends the few recognized therapy dog organizations on their website to certify with. To become certified, an observer or tester in your area will test you and your dog on handling skills, basic social behaviors, and demeanor. They will also observe you and your dog on visits to medical facilities. 

Where Can a Certified Therapy Dog Go? 

Unlike a service dog or ESA, a certified therapy dog is only allowed in places where they perform their jobs; hospitals, nursing homes, mental health facilities, etc. Therapy dogs don’t have public access and are considered pets when traveling, looking for housing, or entering places of business. 

A therapy dog also can’t walk into a hospital or nursing home unannounced. Typically, arrangements with the facility are made beforehand, ensuring that the therapy dog is safe and certified. Furthermore, the facility schedules an allotted time to allow for therapy dog visits. During this time, the handler is present overseeing interactions. 

Can Your Dog be a Therapy Dog? 

Your dog doesn’t need to be the Albert Einstein of dogs to be a therapy dog. All they need is a great temperament, a friendly attitude, and be safe in new environments. Your dog should be a people-person, healthy, and respond quickly to your commands. If your dog meets the criteria above and can become certified, your dog can indeed take on the noble task of being a therapy dog.