All Our Articles on Emotional Support Animal

What to Know About Emotional Support Animals
Want a pet with special housing rights that can help with your anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges? That's exactly what emotional support animals... Read more

How Emotional Support Animals Help With Mental Health
We all love our pets and have a unique connection with them. They offer us unconditional love and acceptance. Whether we’re gone five minutes or... Read more

When to Tell Your Landlord About Your Emotional Support Animal
If you have your ESA letter, the next step is to tell your landlord about your emotional support animal and share your letter with them.... Read more

Who Can Write an ESA Letter?
An ESA letter can be written by a licensed healthcare professional who understands your mental health needs. This is required by federal housing guidelines and... Read more

Can a Social Worker Write an ESA Letter?
Social workers are qualified to write an emotional support animal (ESA) letter. Here are the reasons why. The Legal Reason Social Workers Can Write ESA... Read more

Can a Primary Care Doctor Write an ESA Letter?
Your family doctor, also called a primary care physician (PCP), can write a letter recommending an emotional support animal. We’ll explain what legally gives them... Read more

Can Nurse Practitioners Write ESA Letters?
Absolutely, nurse practitioners are qualified to issue ESA letters in accordance with federal ESA rules. The Eligibility of Nurses for ESA Letter Endorsements If you... Read more

Can a Therapist Write an ESA Letter?
If you've ever wondered if a therapist can help you get a letter for your emotional support animal (ESA), the answer is a big "Yes!"... Read more

How ESAs Help Seniors in Assisted Care Living Facilities
There's something about a wagging tail and a furry face that lights up the atmosphere and brings people together. Dogs and cats can brighten up... Read more