Archive for the ‘Emotional Support Animal’ Category

Although they both offer vital services, a service dog and a therapy dog are not the same. These two types of dogs are not afforded the same federal rights to public access under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They provide very different services for people. On rare occasions, however, a Service Dog can also be a Therapy Dog. But to understand why this is not a common situation, we first need to clarify the differences between a service dog and a therapy dog. 

What is a Service Dog? 

The ADA defines service dogs as dogs trained to work or complete tasks for people with a disability. The work that a service dog performs must directly relate to their owner’s disability. In the case of service dogs, their presence is protected under federal ADA law

As examples, service dogs may function as guides for people who are visually impaired or pull a wheelchair for someone with mobility problems. Some service dogs obtain life-saving medication when their diabetic owners are incapacitated. The tasks that service dogs fulfill are activities that a person with a disability would not be able to do independently, thus making a service dog an essential part of their daily life. 

What is a Therapy Dog? 

A therapy dog accompanies its owners to hospitals, schools, or nursing facilities to provide the general service of providing comfort, affection, and a sense of well-being. Although a therapy dog has an owner, they help other people by spending time interacting with them. Many hospitals now have therapy dogs to help ease the pain and anxiety of being in a hospital. These therapy dogs spend time with various patients, serving to make their time there a little brighter. 

Research shows that the presence of animals can reduce stress and change physiological responses, like lower blood pressure and heart rate. Therapy dogs not only bring affection, but they may improve the physical well-being of patients, making them more likely to recover from illness. 

A therapy dog seeks to interact with other people to give them comfort and joy. A Service Dog and Therapy Dog

Because service dogs provide an essential service to their owner, they’re almost always on the job. Service dogs receive training to be alert to the needs of their owner and to perform particular tasks. This extreme focus is why it is generally frowned upon to pet or engage with a service dog that doesn’t belong to you. Interacting with a service dog can distract them from doing their jobs well, which might endanger their owner. 

Therapy dogs, however, are continually interacting when they do their jobs. They approach various people in hospitals and schools and allow these people to pet and cuddle with them. This interaction is the opposite of the strict concentration that a service dog requires. 

Despite the significant differences between a service dog and a therapy dog, a dog can technically be both. However, it takes a very talented—and extremely patient—dog to fulfill both roles. 


Difference between service dog, emotional support dogs, and therapy dogs Serving as Both

In rare instances, a highly intelligent and well-trained service dog can function as a therapy dog. A service dog trained to assist their owner with mobility issues, for example, can work as a therapy dog when the owner is sitting. When the owner is at rest and doesn’t require help, the service dog can attend to other people as a therapy dog. 

Because being both a service dog and a therapy dog requires a particular awareness of the needed roles, a dog performing both functions needs to gauge situations appropriately. This switch in behavior demands a level of intelligence that most dogs don’t possess. 

An Issue of Safety

Working as both a service dog and a therapy dog also creates some safety concerns that must be addressed. The leashes, harnesses, and other equipment that help a service dog fulfill their task might not be conducive to the therapy dog environment. Another safety consideration is the needs of the service dog owner. Service dogs should always be capable of fulfilling their duty as service dogs. The role of therapy must come secondary.

A service dog should focus on their owner’s well-being and not be distracted by others. In Summary

Can a service dog function as a therapy dog? Yes, but with considerations. The environment should be safe for the service dog owner, the dog, and the people around them. Service dogs must be aware and trained to fulfill both roles, and the safety of the service dog owner should never be compromised. It takes an exceptional dog to fulfill both roles, and you’d be fortunate to have one! 

The terms “service dog” and “emotional support animal” are often incorrectly used interchangeably. While they fall under the same umbrella of assistance animals, these two types of dogs provide different services to their handlers. In order to find the most fitting, beneficial support, it’s important for handlers to know the difference between the two types of dogs.

In short, a service dog is a trained dog to help an individual with specific tasks and often accompanies their owner at all times. An emotional support animal (ESA) provides comfort in times of distress and does not need any specific training. While ESA’s do need an official ESA letter issued by a licensed medical professional, service dogs do not need any documentation. However, some service dog owners find it easier to communicate the dog’s purpose when they obtain a registration or id card.

Show everyone that the rights of your service dog should be respected. Get your service dog registered below.

What is a Service Dog?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog is a dog that performs tasks specifically related to a person’s disability. Examples of disabilities are:

Visual impairment. The service dog would be trained to guide their handler. Physical disability. A service dog could help retrieve items for a person in a wheelchair. Chronic health problems. The service dog could alert its handler with diabetes when the blood sugar is low.

These tasks relate directly to the individual’s disability and help improve their quality of life. 

Difference between service dog, emotional support dogs, and therapy dogs. What is an Emotional Support Animal?

An emotional support animal (ESA) provides support to an individual solely through companionship. Specialized training is not required.

Anyone suffering from one or more of the mental illnesses listed below may qualify for an ESA:

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Learning Disorders Autism General Anxiety Disorder Gender Identity Bipolar Cognitive disorders Depression Severe anxiety Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The emotional support animal doesn’t need to meet any specific requirements regarding training or registration and doesn’t have to be a certain type of animal. The owner of an ESA benefits from having the animal nearby, rather than having them complete certain tasks.

An Emotional Support Animal can be any type of animal. Qualifications for a Service Dog 

A person qualifies for a service dog if they have an official diagnosis of a disability from a medical professional. While the ADA doesn’t require a prescription or documentation to obtain a service dog, there are certain requirements that the dog must meet in order to qualify.

The dog must be under control at all times. A service dog cannot display any aggressive behaviors, The service dog must perform one or more tasks that directly related to their handler’s disability.

If the dog is highly trained and can meet these standards, the handler will be allowed to bring them to most public places.

Qualifications for an Emotional Support Animal

Similar to service dogs, there is no official registry for emotional support animals. However, there are more limitations to where an ESA can be brought. Under the current ADA and Fair Housing law ESAs are allowed only in

Housing with no pets policies  College dorms Places you can adopt an ESA, such as animal shelters

In order to legally own an emotional support animal, the handler is required to hold an ESA letter issued from a licensed medical professional. The therapist must agree that the handler’s pet is part of the treatment for their mental or emotional disability.

How to get an ESA Letter Online Which One is Right For Me?

Whether a person chooses a service dog or emotional support animal depends on their individual needs. A person who is diagnosed with a debilitating disability may prefer a service dog, as they’ll be able to help them with their day to day tasks.

On the other hand, somebody with a mental illness may prefer an ESA to support them during certain anxiety-provoking situations. No matter what, the dog is there as a support for their handler in times of need.

California expanded the definition of support animal in 2016 and removed training requirements.

California law is more expansive than federal law when it comes to the rights that disabled employees have to bring ESAs into the workplace. That protection increased when the Department of Fair Employment and Housing regulations were amended effective April 1, 2016 to make two key changes to the legal treatment of emotional support animals in the workplace in California, which include:

• Expanding the definition of “support animal”

• Removing the requirement that assistance animals must be trained.

California did not recognize support animals as a type of reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities until 2012, when the law was changed to specifically include ESAs within the definition of assistive animal. The definition of what constitutes an emotional support animal under California law was expanded with the 2016 amendments. An emotional support animal “provides emotional, cognitive, or other similar support to a person with a disability, including, but not limited to, traumatic brain injuries or mental disabilities, such as major depression.” 

California law also previously required that assistive animals be “trained to provide assistance for the employee’s disability.” That requirement was eliminated with the 2016 amendments and now assistive animals, which includes support animals, no longer need special training.

Required ESA Documents For the Workplace

California law requiring reasonable accommodation for ESAs applies to employers who have five or more employees. According to the CalChamber, employers may require the following documents for people in need of an ESA in the workplace:

• Documentation from the employee’s health care provider of the need for the animal (an example would be why the animal is necessary as an accommodation to allow the employee to perform the essential functions of the job).

• Confirmation that the animal will behave appropriately in the workplace and meet the minimum standards for assistive animals. (California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Sections 11065(a), 11069(e).)

Your animal must have an ESA letter to be in the workplace.

How to Get an ESA Letter

In order to get your ESA letter, you must contact a licensed therapist that can provide documentation on your need for having an emotional support animal. The ESA letter must be written on the letterhead of the licensed therapist. We have a great in depth resource on how to get an ESA letter here.

Restrictions on ESA’s in the Workplace

Employers can impose some requirements on emotional support animals, including requiring that the ESA be free from offensive odors, display habits appropriate for the workplace, and not endanger the health or safety of the disabled employee or others. 

ESA Letter for the Workplace

An employee should be prepared to present a letter from a licensed mental health professional which documents the employee’s restrictions and need for accommodation. It is critical to note that a legitimate ESA letter will come from a licensed mental health professional – we work with ESA Doctors since they always match clients with mental health professionals licensed to practice in their state. Some providers of ESA letters may provide letters that are not from LMHPs licensed to assist you. The Department of Fair Employment and Housing has taken the position that these types of fake letters are not sufficient.  Employees should also keep in mind that it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against an employee for requesting a reasonable accommodation of a disability, regardless of whether the employer ultimately grants the request.