Archive for the ‘Emotional Support Animal’ Category

The use of Assistance Animals can be a great help to those with various disabilities, but some people still don’t fully understand everything about them. Here we will debunk the 10 most common myths about Assistance Animals. We have also included links to helpful articles throughout this page that includes more information.

Myth #1 – Service Dogs, Emotional Support Animals, and Therapy Dogs are the same

This is absolutely not true! While each serves similar purposes – which is to aid the well-being of their owner in some way – Service Dogs, Emotional Support Animals and Therapy Dogs are used for very different forms of therapy and have different rights in the eye of the law.

Service Dogs are specifically trained to perform tasks that aid their owners’ disabilities, allowing them to live an independent lifestyle. Emotional Support Animals can be any animal that is used to provide their owner with emotional comfort and do not require special training. Therapy Dogs are often found in establishments where various forms of therapy are applied – ranging from care homes to physical rehabilitation centers. Their roles can vary significantly, from aiding a child to confidently read out loud from a book to assist those requiring physical therapy. A Therapy Dog is basically an ESA that helps a lot of people and not just their handlers. Unfortunately, therapy dogs do not enjoy the legal protection that the other assistance animals have. Myth #2 – Emotional Support Animals can come with me into hotels, restaurants, and markets

No – only ADA accredited Service Dogs may accompany their owners into public areas, as they will have been adequately trained and certified to behave appropriately, and are deemed a necessity for their owners. However, there are some exceptions. When adequate documentation has been presented, Emotional Support Animals are allowed to live with their owners, even in pet-free buildings, and travel with them in the cabin of airlines with ESA programs. Only animals that have received a Service Dog Certification are automatically granted public access rights.

Myth #3 – Service Dogs must wear a vest

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a legal requirement for Service Dogs to wear a vest. However, many Service Dog owners choose to have them wear a vest to avoid any unnecessary hassle.

Myth #4 – You need a doctor’s note for your Service Dog

A doctor’s note is not necessary for a Service Dog. When entering public establishments, it is only necessary to verbally inform staff of your Service Dog – if they ask. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states they may only ask 2 questions:

Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

Service Dog owners may choose (though are not required) to order an ID card, as these can make the identification process much smoother. Rather than have to explain a disability, which can cause embarrassment, presenting an ID card can instantly verify the Service Dog. Emotional Support Animals, however, do require an ESA letter from a licensed therapist.

Myth #5 – It is illegal to qualify for an ESA letter online

Wrong. In fact, the opposite is true. Telehealth – a collection of means for enhancing the education and care of a patient – encourages online applications for ESA letters. Rules vary from state to state when obtaining an ESA letter. By using an accredited online organization that follow your state’s telehealth service laws, you can be sure you are abiding by your state’s relevant laws. 

Myth #6 – All ESA letter referral sites are the same

No. There is a broad range of referral sites ranging from mental health professionals who offer the provision of ESA letters as a part of their service, to dedicated single therapist letter mills. It is highly recommended to conduct as much independent research before choosing an ESA letter referral company, as you need to be certain the vendor is genuine and abides by your state’s rules.

Myth #7 – Each state has different Service Dog laws

No. Service Dogs are protected by federal law under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). However, Service Dog are subject to certain state-specific regulations. For example, Connecticut law recommends Service Dogs only access public areas with their owner while wearing a harness or an orange-colored collar and leash. 

Myth #8 – A landlord can reject an ESA or Service Dog if they do not feel the tenant has a disability or needs an ESA

Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), landlords are permitted to accept tenants with an Emotional Support Animal, regardless of any pet-free policies they may have in place. If a landlord does not accept your ESA, you should file a claim with HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development). They will assist you with each step of your claim.

Myth #9 – Service Dogs are only for the blind and people in wheelchairs, all other service dogs are fake

While guiding and pulling are perhaps the most well-known tasks performed by Service Dogs, they perform a variety of other specific tasks to aid a disability of any form. It’s not just physical disabilities that Service Dogs can be used for, but mental disabilities, too. Here are some examples:

Visual impairment/blindness Hearing Impairments Mental illnesses such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or chronic depression Seizure disorder Mobility impairment Diabetes Myth #10 – Therapy dogs have the same access rights as ESA or Service Dogs

No. Therapy Dogs must be granted access by prior agreement to certain establishments such as hospitals, libraries, and skilled nursing facilities. While Service Dogs are legally permitted to accompany their owners in all public areas, and Emotional Support Animals are protected in certain areas such as housing and travel, Therapy Dogs do not benefit from similar access rights.

What Is an ESA Letter? 

An ESA letter is a prescription letter written by a licensed mental health professional (ie registered therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist) that recommends your pet as your Emotional Support Animal.

For those people who suffer from an emotional or mental disability, there’s a treatment that doesn’t involve drugs; an emotional support animal (ESA). You must find it difficult or unable to perform major life activities due to your emotional disability.

An ESA can be of any species and is there to provide comfort, companionship, and even a boost of confidence for you. However, having an emotional support animal may not be as simple as having a family pet and calling it an ESA.

In this post, we will take a look at the proper channels in which to get an emotional support animal and a legitimate ESA letter.

How Do I Get an ESA Letter?

The letter must be written on your mental health professional’s own letterhead and will include his/her name, license number, date of issue and place it was issued. It should also include his/her signature. Your ESA letter may only be accepted for one-year of the issued date so annual renewals may be required.

In order to qualify for an ESA letter, you must have a mental or emotional issue that falls under the documented illnesses laid out by the DSM-IV or V (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, version 4 or 5) which your mental health professional will either know of or have access to.

Who Will Accept My ESA Letter?

An emotional support animal is not considered a service animal and has different rights under Federal law.

Your ESA prescription letter should be accepted by “no pets” policy housing and will be presented to the building manager/owner. Once accepted you should have the same rights to the building and areas as any other tenant would. The landlord/owner of the building also cannot charge you any extra fees for having an ESA. However, if your animal should do damage to the property, you can be held liable and even evicted if the issue(s) are serious enough.

What Can I Do If My ESA Letter is Not Accepted?

Since there are a number of people trying to get special privileges for their family pets, building owners are becoming increasingly suspicious of ESA letters. This is why it is vital that you follow the rules for obtaining this important letter.

If you have a documented need for an ESA and your ESA is denied access to “no pets” policy buildings there are actions you can take.

The Fair Housing Act (HUD) protects people with emotional support animals, so they would be your first line of defense.

Your second option would be to contact a lawyer and have that person write a letter on your behalf to the building owner/landlord.

Lastly, there are ESA advocates that may also be able to step in and point you in the right direction.

However, be also aware that not all landlords have to accept an ESA. These circumstances include when the building has four or fewer single dwellings and the landlord occupies one of them and when the house has been rented or sold without a real estate broker (private sale).

You and Your ESA

Emotional support animals are more than pets and therefore you can exercise your rights to live with your ESA in most types of housing. Go through the proper channels to obtain a legitimate ESA letter, then start living your life to the fullest.

How to Get an ESA Letter Online?
Can Cats be Emotional Support Animals? 

Cats make wonderful pets. But did you know they can also provide those with emotional challenges the added support they need to live a full life?

In this article, we will explore the following:

What is an emotional support cat? The ESA certification and registration process Types of animals that can be service animals and emotional support animals What an ESA letter is and why it’s necessary What the laws have to say about having more than one emotional support cat 1. Emotional Support Cat Provides Comfort

An emotional support animal can be of any species, including cats. An emotional support animal or ESA does not require any special training. An ESA is there to provide a person with an emotional or mental disability the support they need to live a normal or better life.

Cats can be beneficial as an emotional support animal as some breeds of felines are very human orientated. This means they love to spend time with their human companion. Some of these cat breeds include the Persian, the Ragdoll, the Abyssinian, the Burmese, the Maine Coon and the Exotic Shorthair. However, that doesn’t mean a mixed breed feline (Moggy) cannot be just as loyal and dedicated to their human.

2. Legitimate Emotional Support Cat Registration

Although it is not required by law to register your feline as an ESA, some people choose to do so for its many benefits. These include having access to custom ID cards, certificates and even vests to identify the cat as an ESA. If you already have an ESA letter for your Emotional Support Animal, you may register your cat here.

Can a Cat Be a Service Animal?

Unfortunately, no. The job of a service animal falls to canine species and miniature horses. These animals need to be specifically trained to do a task for a disabled individual. This can include picking up dropped items, opening doors or alerting the person to a drop in their blood sugar or of an oncoming seizure. Even though cats can be highly intelligent and trainable, the depth of training needed for a service animal is usually beyond the scope of the feline species. Most importantly, even if you trained your cat to perform services for you, they will not be protected under the ADA.

However, you still have rights under Federal Law with your emotional support cat. Landlords must reasonably accommodate your ESA, even if they have a “no pets” policy. The landlord cannot charge you extra for your ESA, but your cat must be well behaved and not pose a health or safety issue to other tenants. 

3. Emotional Support Cat Certification

All that is needed to make your cat a legitimate emotional support animal is a letter from a therapist or mental health professional. In order for an ESA letter to be accepted by “no pets” housing, the letter must be written and signed by a licensed healthcare professional. The ESA letter must also be written on the therapist’s own letterhead, with his/her license number and the place/date it was issued. In addition, the ESA letter must have been issued within one year of the time of submission.

If you do not have access to a therapist in your own area or they do not understand the benefits of animal therapy, you may seek support from a legitimate online resource. We have a helpful post on getting your ESA letter online here.

4. How Many Emotional Support Cats Can I Have?

Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) people with diagnosed mental or emotional disabilities are allowed to have an ESA. Landlords and/or building managers must make allowances for ESA’s in “no pets” policies buildings, but this could be nullified if there were too many animals (cats) to keep the residence safe for both tenants and animals. Since the FHA does not specify how many ESA a person can have, as long as the number is reasonable to your therapist, you can have more than one.

Cats can be wonderful emotional support animals. 5. Emotional Support Cats Can Work, Too

If you are suffering from an emotional or mental disability, then an emotional support cat may be “just what the doctor ordered.” Cats can make loving, dedicated and supportive ESA’s that can help you get on with the rest of your life. Check with your therapist or mental health professional to see if you qualify for an emotional support cat. You may also seek support from an ESA letter referral service.