11 Polite Ways to Stop People Petting Your Service Dog

Your service dog is there for a reason. They provide an incredible variety of tasks like alerting you to dangers, protecting you from falls or collisions, or supporting your mental health. If your dog is working, distractions can be hazardous or even life-threatening.
But for most people, a dog is a pet. Many people actually connect with pets as a way to connect with the pet’s owner and expect a friendly response. While there’s no need to give a negative response to a friendly or curious overture, it’s important to avoid distractions that could get in the way of your dog’s important work. Here are some simple tips for eliminating distractions while also educating your friends, family, and neighbors on why petting isn’t an option when a service dog is at work.
1. Service Dog Gear
If your dog is particularly attractive or friendly-looking, you may opt to outfit them in service dog gear that clearly states, “No petting.” There are dozens of options available in all sizes and colors. This includes accessories like vests, tags, ID cards, and harnesses that clearly inform people your dog is a service dog. Always make sure that the gear fits your dog comfortably and doesn’t get in the way of their trained tasks.

2. Body Blocking
If an individual is moving toward your dog and you are mobile enough to do so, you can simply step between the dog and the would-be petter. This immediately reduces access to your dog and gives you a moment to deliver a message such as “Please don’t pet my service dog; he’s working!”
3. Explain the Role of Your Service Dog
For many people, service dogs are still somewhat of a novelty, and they may not fully understand what the dog is trained to do. A brief explanation can go a long way: “My service dog is trained to assist me with [mention your specific need, such as mobility assistance, deep pressure therapy, etc.]. When they’re working, they need to stay focused.” If you’re talking to a child, you might also say something that connects to their own lives — “imagine if I came up and petted you on the head every time you tried to do your homework!”
4. “They’re in ‘Work Mode’”
Let people know that your service dog is not “off-duty.” For example, you can say, “They’re in work mode right now, so it’s important they stay focused.” If you feel you’d like to, you might also explain that there are times when your dog does get to play – but this is not one of those times!
5. Train Your Dog to Ignore Petting
It can be hard to teach humans how to behave around service dogs — but it may be easier to train your dog how to behave around humans. For example, you may want to train your dog to ignore an outstretched hand while they’re on duty.
6. The “Not All Dogs Are for Petting” Approach
If you’re in an environment where pets are common, you can remind people that not all dogs are for petting. A friendly, “I’m sure you love dogs, but not all dogs are for petting, especially service dogs,” can provide some gentle education while preventing any awkwardness.
7. Get Assertive
There can be situations in which pet lovers or parents can become pushy. If you’re placed in such a situation, you may need to get assertive. Step away, block access, and clearly state, “I’m sorry, my service dog is on duty, and no one but me is allowed to touch him.”
8. Offer a Quick “Not Right Now”
If someone asks if they can pet the dog, simply and politely reply, “Not right now; they’re working.” This phrase is short and to the point, minimizing any confusion while still maintaining respect and kindness. It also makes it clear that there might be a time when petting is possible, just not during work hours.
9. Empathize
Sometimes, people pet service dogs because they want to connect with the animal — or with you. A warm but definite response is then in order. “I understand they’re cute, aren’t they? They’ve been trained to focus on their work, though, so they can’t interact right now.” This approach shows empathy while maintaining boundaries. You may then want to chat further about the dog — and perhaps make a connection with an interested neighbor!
10. Use Humor to Deflect
If you’re in a situation where you feel the need to keep things lighthearted, a little humor can go a long way. For example, you might say, “I’m sorry, they are tired and not in the mood for extra petting today. Thanks for understanding!” Humor and kindness can help ease any potential awkwardness. They soften the rejection without compromising the seriousness of the situation.
11. Practice Your Approach
It’s not always easy to say no, especially to people who have nothing but the best intentions. That’s why it may be helpful to practice your approach with a friend. Have them act out the role of a would-be petter in as many ways as possible, and be sure you’re comfortable with your response.
Final Thoughts
It’s important to remember that while most people mean well when they try to pet a service dog, doing so can interrupt the dog’s work and potentially affect its performance. By using these polite but firm methods, you can prevent distractions while educating others about the importance of allowing service dogs to focus on their tasks. Most people will understand and respect your boundaries, and your dog will continue to do the important work they were trained to do.
About the Author: Lisa Jo Rudy, M.Div. has been writing on developmental disabilities and mental health since the early 2000s, when her son was diagnosed with autism. Lisa lives on Cape Cod, where she is the proud "mom" of two beautiful cats.
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